No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 coord.hHeader for routines related to lattice sites
 errorcodes.hThis header is intended to be a useful reference for error codes and their meanings
 integrate.hIntegrators for the HMC
 matrices.hMatrix multiplication and related declarations
 par_mpi.hMPI headers
 random.hHeader for random number configuration
 sizes.hDefines the constants of the code and other parameters for loop dimensions. Each subroutine includes these definitions using:
 su2hmc.hFunction declarations for most of the routines
 bosonic.cCode for bosonic observables, Basically polyakov loop and Plaquette routines
 congrad.cConjugate gradients. Congradq for the solver and Congradp for the inversion
 coord.cFunctions for dealing with lattice and MPI coordinates
 fermionic.cCode for fermionic observables
 force.cCode for force calculations
 matrices.cMatrix multiplication and related routines
 par_mpi.cMPI routines
 random.cRandom number generator related routines
 su2hmc.cAn ecclectic collection of functions used in the HMC
 main.cHybrid Monte Carlo algorithm for Two Colour QCD with Wilson-Gor'kov fermions based on the algorithm of Duane et al. Phys. Lett. B195 (1987) 216